Compounds |
class | gmtl::AABox |
| Describes an axially aligned box in 3D space. More...
class | gmtl::AxisAngle |
| AxisAngle: Represents a "twist about an axis" AxisAngle is used to specify a rotation in 3-space. More...
struct | gmtl::CompareIndexPointProjections |
class | gmtl::Coord |
| coord is a position/rotation pair. More...
class | gmtl::Eigen |
class | gmtl::EulerAngle |
| EulerAngle: Represents a group of euler angles. More...
class | gmtl::LineSeg |
| Describes a line segment. More...
class | gmtl::Matrix |
| Matrix: 4x4 Matrix class (OpenGL ordering). More...
class | gmtl::OOBox |
class | gmtl::Plane |
| Plane: Defines a geometrical plane. More...
class | gmtl::Point |
| Point Use points when you need to represent a position. More...
class | gmtl::Quat |
| Quat: Class to encapsulate quaternion behaviors. More...
class | gmtl::Ray |
| Describes a ray. More...
struct | gmtl::RotationOrderBase |
| Base class for Rotation orders. More...
class | gmtl::Matrix::RowAccessor |
| Helper class for Matrix op[]. More...
class | gmtl::Sphere |
| Describes a sphere in 3D space by its center point and its radius. More...
struct | gmtl::static_assert_test |
struct | gmtl::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE< true > |
class | gmtl::Tri |
| This class defines a triangle as a set of 3 points order in CCW fashion. More...
struct | gmtl::Type2Type |
| A lightweight identifier you can pass to overloaded functions to typefy them. More...
class | gmtl::Vec |
| A representation of a vector with SIZE components using DATA_TYPE as the data type for each component. More...
class | gmtl::VecBase |
| Base type for vector-like objects including Points and Vectors. More...
struct | gmtl::XYZ |
| XYZ Rotation order. More...
struct | gmtl::ZXY |
| ZXY Rotation order. More...
struct | gmtl::ZYX |
| ZYX Rotation order. More...
AABox Comparitors |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator== (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &b1, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &b2) |
| Compare two AABoxes to see if they are EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &b1, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &b2) |
| Compare two AABoxes to see if they are not EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &b1, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &b2, const DATA_TYPE &eps) |
| Compare two AABoxes to see if they are the same within the given tolerance. More...
AxisAngle Comparitors |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator== (const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &a1, const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &a2) |
| Compares 2 AxisAngles to see if they are exactly the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &a1, const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &a2) |
| Compares 2 AxisAngles to see if they are NOT exactly the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &a1, const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &a2, const DATA_TYPE &eps=(DATA_TYPE) 0) |
| Compares a1 and a2 to see if they are the same within the given epsilon tolerance. More...
Coord Comparitors |
template<typename POS_TYPE, typename ROT_TYPE> bool | operator== (const Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &c1, const Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &c2) |
| Compare two coordinate frames for equality. More...
template<typename POS_TYPE, typename ROT_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &c1, const Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &c2) |
| Compare two coordinate frames for not-equality. More...
template<typename POS_TYPE, typename ROT_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &c1, const Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &c2, typename Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE >::DataType tol=(typename Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE >::DataType) 0.0) |
| Compare two coordinate frames for equality with a given tolerance. More...
EulerAngle Comparitors |
template<class DATA_TYPE, typename ROT_ORDER> bool | operator== (const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &e1, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &e2) |
| Compares 2 EulerAngles (component-wise) to see if they are exactly the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, typename ROT_ORDER> bool | operator!= (const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &e1, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &e2) |
| Compares e1 and e2 (component-wise) to see if they are NOT exactly the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, typename ROT_ORDER> bool | isEqual (const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &e1, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &e2, const DATA_TYPE &eps=(DATA_TYPE) 0) |
| Compares e1 and e2 (component-wise) to see if they are the same within a given tolerance. More...
Generic Generators (any type) |
template<typename TARGET_TYPE, typename SOURCE_TYPE> TARGET_TYPE | make (const SOURCE_TYPE &src, Type2Type< TARGET_TYPE > t=Type2Type< TARGET_TYPE >()) |
| Construct an object from another object of a different type. More...
template<typename ROTATION_TYPE, typename SOURCE_TYPE> ROTATION_TYPE | makeRot (const SOURCE_TYPE &coord, Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE > t=Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE >()) |
| Create a rotation datatype from another rotation datatype. More...
template<typename ROTATION_TYPE> ROTATION_TYPE | makeDirCos (const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &xDestAxis, const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &yDestAxis, const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &zDestAxis, const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &xSrcAxis=Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 >(1, 0, 0), const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &ySrcAxis=Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 >(0, 1, 0), const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &zSrcAxis=Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 >(0, 0, 1), Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE > t=Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE >()) |
| Create a rotation matrix or quaternion (or any other rotation data type) using direction cosines. More...
template<typename TRANS_TYPE, typename SRC_TYPE> TRANS_TYPE | makeTrans (const SRC_TYPE &arg, Type2Type< TRANS_TYPE > t=Type2Type< TRANS_TYPE >()) |
| Make a translation datatype from another translation datatype. More...
template<typename ROTATION_TYPE> ROTATION_TYPE | makeRot (const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &from, const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &to) |
| Create a rotation datatype that will xform first vector to the second. More...
template<typename DEST_TYPE, typename DATA_TYPE> DEST_TYPE & | setRot (DEST_TYPE &result, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &from, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &to) |
| set a rotation datatype that will xform first vector to the second. More...
Vec Generators |
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > | makeVec (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &quat) |
| create a vector from the vector component of a quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > | makeNormal (Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > vec) |
| create a normalized vector from the given vector. More...
template<typename VEC_TYPE, typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> VEC_TYPE & | setTrans (VEC_TYPE &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &arg) |
| Set vector using translation portion of the matrix. More...
Quat Generators |
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | setPure (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &quat, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &vec) |
| Set pure quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | makePure (const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &vec) |
| create a pure quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | makeNormal (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &quat) |
| Normalize a quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | makeConj (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &quat) |
| quaternion complex conjugate. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | makeInvert (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &quat) |
| create quaternion from the inverse of another quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | set (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &axisAngle) |
| Convert an AxisAngle to a Quat. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | setRot (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &axisAngle) |
| Redundant duplication of the set(quat,axisangle) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, typename ROT_ORDER> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | set (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &euler) |
| Convert an EulerAngle rotation to a Quaternion rotation. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, typename ROT_ORDER> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | setRot (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &euler) |
| Redundant duplication of the set(quat,eulerangle) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | set (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &quat, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat) |
| Convert a Matrix to a Quat. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | setRot (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat) |
| Redundant duplication of the set(quat,mat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. More...
AxisAngle Generators |
template<typename DATA_TYPE> AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > & | set (AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &axisAngle, Quat< DATA_TYPE > quat) |
| Convert a rotation quaternion to an AxisAngle. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > & | setRot (AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &result, Quat< DATA_TYPE > quat) |
| Redundant duplication of the set(axisangle,quat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > | makeNormal (const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &a) |
| make the axis of an AxisAngle normalized. More...
EulerAngle Generators |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER> EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > & | set (EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &euler, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat) |
| Convert Matrix to EulerAngle. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER> EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > & | setRot (EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat) |
| Redundant duplication of the set(eulerangle,quat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. More...
Matrix Generators |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned SIZE> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setTrans (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &trans) |
| Set matrix translation from vec. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned SIZE> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setScale (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &scale) |
| Set the scale part of a matrix. More...
template<typename MATRIX_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> MATRIX_TYPE | makeScale (const Vec< typename MATRIX_TYPE::DataType, SIZE > &scale, Type2Type< MATRIX_TYPE > t=Type2Type< MATRIX_TYPE >()) |
| Create a scale matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setScale (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const DATA_TYPE scale) |
| Sets the scale part of a matrix. More...
template<typename MATRIX_TYPE> MATRIX_TYPE | makeScale (const typename MATRIX_TYPE::DataType scale, Type2Type< MATRIX_TYPE > t=Type2Type< MATRIX_TYPE >()) |
| Create a scale matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setRot (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &axisAngle) |
| Set the rotation portion of a rotation matrix using an axis and an angle (in radians). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | set (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const AxisAngle< DATA_TYPE > &axisAngle) |
| Convert an AxisAngle to a rotation matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setRot (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &euler) |
| Set (only) the rotation part of a matrix using an EulerAngle (angles are in radians). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | set (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROT_ORDER > &euler) |
| Convert an EulerAngle to a rotation matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> DATA_TYPE | makeYRot (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat) |
| Extracts the Y axis rotation information from the matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> DATA_TYPE | makeXRot (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat) |
| Extracts the X-axis rotation information from the matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> DATA_TYPE | makeZRot (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat) |
| Extracts the Z-axis rotation information from the matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setDirCos (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &xDestAxis, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &yDestAxis, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &zDestAxis, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &xSrcAxis=Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 >(1, 0, 0), const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &ySrcAxis=Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 >(0, 1, 0), const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &zSrcAxis=Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 >(0, 0, 1)) |
| create a rotation matrix that will rotate from SrcAxis to DestAxis. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setAxes (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &xAxis, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &yAxis, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &zAxis) |
| set the matrix given the raw coordinate axes. More...
template<typename ROTATION_TYPE> ROTATION_TYPE | makeAxes (const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &xAxis, const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &yAxis, const Vec< typename ROTATION_TYPE::DataType, 3 > &zAxis, Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE > t=Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE >()) |
| set the matrix given the raw coordinate axes. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > | makeTranspose (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &m) |
| create a matrix transposed from the source. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > | makeInverse (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &src) |
| Creates a matrix that is the inverse of the given source matrix. More...
template<typename DATATYPE, typename POS_TYPE, typename ROT_TYPE, unsigned MATCOLS, unsigned MATROWS> Matrix< DATATYPE, MATROWS,
MATCOLS > & | set (Matrix< DATATYPE, MATROWS, MATCOLS > &mat, const Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &coord) |
| Convert a Coord to a Matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | setRot (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q) |
| Set the rotation portion of a matrix (3x3) from a rotation quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | set (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q) |
| Convert a Quat to a rotation Matrix. More...
Coord Generators |
template<typename DATATYPE, typename POS_TYPE, typename ROT_TYPE, unsigned MATCOLS, unsigned MATROWS> Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > & | set (Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &eulercoord, const Matrix< DATATYPE, MATROWS, MATCOLS > &mat) |
| convert Matrix to Coord. More...
template<typename DATATYPE, typename POS_TYPE, typename ROT_TYPE, unsigned MATCOLS, unsigned MATROWS> Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > & | setRot (Coord< POS_TYPE, ROT_TYPE > &result, const Matrix< DATATYPE, MATROWS, MATCOLS > &mat) |
| Redundant duplication of the set(coord,mat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. More...
Matrix Operations |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | identity (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result) |
| Make identity matrix out the matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | zero (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result) |
| zero out the matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned INTERNAL, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | mult (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, INTERNAL > &lhs, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, INTERNAL, COLS > &rhs) |
| matrix multiply. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned INTERNAL, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > | operator * (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, INTERNAL > &lhs, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, INTERNAL, COLS > &rhs) |
| matrix * matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | sub (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &lhs, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &rhs) |
| matrix subtraction (algebraic operation for matrix). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | add (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &lhs, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &rhs) |
| matrix addition (algebraic operation for matrix). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > & | postMult (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > &operand) |
| matrix postmultiply. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > & | preMult (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > &operand) |
| matrix preMultiply. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > & | operator *= (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > &operand) |
| matrix postmult (operator *=). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | mult (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &mat, float scalar) |
| matrix scalar mult. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | mult (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, DATA_TYPE scalar) |
| matrix scalar mult. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | operator *= (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, DATA_TYPE scalar) |
| matrix scalar mult (operator *=). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > & | transpose (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, SIZE, SIZE > &result) |
| matrix transpose in place. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | transpose (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, COLS, ROWS > &source) |
| matrix transpose from one type to another (i.e. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | invertFull (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &src) |
| full matrix inversion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | invert (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &src) |
| smart matrix inversion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > & | invert (Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &result) |
| smart matrix inversion (in place) Does matrix inversion by intelligently selecting what type of inversion to use depending on the types of operations your Matrix has been through. More...
Matrix Comparitors |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> bool | operator== (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &lhs, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &rhs) |
| Tests 2 matrices for equality. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> bool | operator!= (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &lhs, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &rhs) |
| Tests 2 matrices for inequality. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> bool | isEqual (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &lhs, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &rhs, const DATA_TYPE &eps=(DATA_TYPE) 0) |
| Tests 2 matrices for equality within a tolerance. More...
Output Stream Operators |
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given VecBase type to the given output stream. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, typename ROTATION_ORDER> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EulerAngle< DATA_TYPE, ROTATION_ORDER > &e) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given EulerAngle type to the given output stream. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &m) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given Matrix to the given output stream. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given Matrix to the given output stream. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &t) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given Tri to the given output stream. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &p) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given Plane to the given output stream. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &s) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given Sphere to the given output stream. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &b) |
| Outputs a string representation of the given AABox to the given output stream. More...
Plane Operations |
template<class DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE | distance (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &plane, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Computes the distance from the plane to the point. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> PlaneSide | whichSide (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &plane, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Determines which side of the plane the given point lies. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> PlaneSide | whichSide (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &plane, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt, const DATA_TYPE &eps) |
| Determines which side of the plane the given point lies with the given epsilon tolerance. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE | findNearestPt (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &plane, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt, Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &result) |
| Finds the point on the plane that is nearest to the given point. More...
Plane Comparitors |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator== (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &p1, const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &p2) |
| Compare two planes to see if they are EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &p1, const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &p2) |
| Compare two planes to see if they are not EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &p1, const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &p2, const DATA_TYPE &eps) |
| Compare two planes to see if they are the same within the given tolerance. More...
Quat Operations |
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | mult (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| product of two quaternions (quaternion product) multiplication of quats is much like multiplication of typical complex numbers. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | operator * (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| product of two quaternions (quaternion product) Does quaternion multiplication. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | operator *= (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| quaternion postmult. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | negate (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result) |
| Vector negation - negate each element in the quaternion vector. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | operator- (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &quat) |
| Vector negation - (operator-) return a temporary that is the negative of the given quat. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | mult (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q, DATA_TYPE s) |
| vector scalar multiplication. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | operator * (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q, DATA_TYPE s) |
| vector scalar multiplication. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | operator *= (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q, DATA_TYPE s) |
| vector scalar multiplication. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | div (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, Quat< DATA_TYPE > q2) |
| quotient of two quaternions. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | operator/ (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, Quat< DATA_TYPE > q2) |
| quotient of two quaternions. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | operator/= (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| quotient of two quaternions. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | div (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q, DATA_TYPE s) |
| quaternion vector scale. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | operator/ (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q, DATA_TYPE s) |
| vector scalar division. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | operator/= (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q, DATA_TYPE s) |
| vector scalar division. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | add (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| vector addition. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | operator+ (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| vector addition. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | operator+= (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| vector addition. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | sub (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| vector subtraction. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > | operator- (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| vector subtraction. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | operator-= (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| vector subtraction. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE | dot (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| vector dot product between two quaternions. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE | lengthSquared (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q) |
| quaternion "norm" (also known as vector length squared) using this can be faster than using length for some operations... More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE | length (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q) |
| quaternion "absolute" (also known as vector length or magnitude) using this can be faster than using length for some operations... More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | normalize (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result) |
| set self to the normalized quaternion of self. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> bool | isNormalized (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const DATA_TYPE eps=(DATA_TYPE) 0.0001f) |
| Determines if the given quaternion is normalized within the given tolerance. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | conj (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result) |
| quaternion complex conjugate. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | invert (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result) |
| quaternion multiplicative inverse. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | exp (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result) |
| complex exponentiation. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | log (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result) |
| complex logarithm. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> void | squad (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, DATA_TYPE t, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &a, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &b) |
| WARNING: not implemented (do not use). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> void | meanTangent (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q3) |
| WARNING: not implemented (do not use). More...
Quaternion Interpolation |
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | slerp (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const DATA_TYPE t, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &from, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &to, bool adjustSign=true) |
| spherical linear interpolation between two rotation quaternions. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> Quat< DATA_TYPE > & | lerp (Quat< DATA_TYPE > &result, const DATA_TYPE t, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &from, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &to) |
| linear interpolation between two quaternions. More...
Quat Comparisons |
template<typename DATA_TYPE> bool | operator== (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| Compare two quaternions for equality. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2) |
| Compare two quaternions for not-equality. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2, DATA_TYPE tol=0.0) |
| Compare two quaternions for equality with tolerance. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> bool | isEquiv (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q1, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &q2, DATA_TYPE tol=0.0) |
| Compare two quaternions for geometric equivelence (with tolerance). More...
Sphere Comparitors |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator== (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &s1, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &s2) |
| Compare two spheres to see if they are EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &s1, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &s2) |
| Compare two spheres to see if they are not EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &s1, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &s2, const DATA_TYPE &eps) |
| Compare two spheres to see if they are the same within the given tolerance. More...
Triangle Operations |
template<class DATA_TYPE> Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > | center (const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri) |
| Computes the point at the center of the given triangle. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > | normal (const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri) |
| Computes the normal for this triangle. More...
Triangle Comparitors |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator== (const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri1, const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri2) |
| Compare two triangles to see if they are EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri1, const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri2) |
| Compare two triangle to see if they are not EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri1, const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri2, const DATA_TYPE &eps) |
| Compare two triangles to see if they are the same within the given tolerance. More...
template<class T> void | ignore_unused_variable_warning (const T &) |
Vector/Point Operations |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > | operator- (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1) |
| Negates v1. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > & | operator+= (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2) |
| Adds v2 to v1 and stores the result in v1. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > | operator+ (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2) |
| Adds v2 to v1 and returns the result. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > & | operator-= (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2) |
| Subtracts v2 from v1 and stores the result in v1. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > | operator- (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2) |
| Subtracts v2 from v1 and returns the result. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE, class SCALAR_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > & | operator *= (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const SCALAR_TYPE &scalar) |
| Multiplies v1 by a scalar value and stores the result in v1. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE, class SCALAR_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > | operator * (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const SCALAR_TYPE &scalar) |
| Multiplies v1 by a scalar value and returns the result. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE, class SCALAR_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > | operator * (const SCALAR_TYPE &scalar, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1) |
| Multiplies v1 by a scalar value and returns the result. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE, class SCALAR_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > & | operator/= (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const SCALAR_TYPE &scalar) |
| Divides v1 by a scalar value and stores the result in v1. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE, class SCALAR_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > | operator/ (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const SCALAR_TYPE &scalar) |
| Divides v1 by a scalar value and returns the result. More...
Vector Operations |
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> DATA_TYPE | dot (const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2) |
| Computes dot product of v1 and v2 and returns the result. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> DATA_TYPE | length (const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1) |
| Computes the length of the given vector. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> DATA_TYPE | lengthSquared (const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1) |
| Computes the square of the length of the given vector. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> DATA_TYPE | normalize (Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1) |
| Normalizes the given vector in place causing it to be of unit length. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> bool | isNormalized (const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const DATA_TYPE eps=(DATA_TYPE) 0.0001) |
| Determines if the given vector is normalized within the given tolerance. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > | cross (const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &v1, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &v2) |
| Computes the cross product between v1 and v2 and returns the result. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > & | cross (Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &result, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &v1, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &v2) |
| Computes the cross product between v1 and v2 and stores the result in result. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > & | reflect (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &result, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &vec, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &normal) |
| Reflect a vector about a normal. More...
Vector Interpolation |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > & | lerp (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &result, const DATA_TYPE &lerpVal, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &from, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &to) |
| Linearly interpolates between to vectors. More...
Vector Comparitors |
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> bool | operator== (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2) |
| Compares v1 and v2 to see if they are exactly the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> bool | operator!= (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2) |
| Compares v1 and v2 to see if they are NOT exactly the same with zero tolerance. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE, unsigned SIZE> bool | isEqual (const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v1, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, SIZE > &v2, const DATA_TYPE &eps) |
| Compares v1 and v2 to see if they are the same within the given epsilon tolerance. More...
Vector Transform (Quaternion) |
template<typename DATA_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, 3 > & | xform (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &result, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &rot, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &vector) |
| transform a vector by a rotation quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, 3 > | operator * (const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &rot, const VecBase< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &vector) |
| transform a vector by a rotation quaternion. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE> VecBase< DATA_TYPE, 3 > | operator *= (VecBase< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &vector, const Quat< DATA_TYPE > &rot) |
| transform a vector by a rotation quaternion. More...
Vector Transform (Matrix) |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Vec< DATA_TYPE, COLS > & | xform (Vec< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &vector) |
| xform a vector by a matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Vec< DATA_TYPE, COLS > | operator * (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &vector) |
| matrix * vector xform. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned VEC_SIZE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, VEC_SIZE > & | xform (Vec< DATA_TYPE, VEC_SIZE > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, VEC_SIZE > &vector) |
| partially transform a partially specified vector by a matrix, assumes last elt of vector is 0 (the 0 makes it only partially transformed). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned COLS_MINUS_ONE> Vec< DATA_TYPE, COLS_MINUS_ONE > | operator * (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, COLS_MINUS_ONE > &vector) |
| matrix * partial vector, assumes last elt of vector is 0 (partial transform). More...
Point Transform (Matrix) |
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > & | xform (Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &point) |
| transform point by a matrix. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > | operator * (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &point) |
| matrix * point. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned PNT_SIZE> Point< DATA_TYPE, PNT_SIZE > & | xform (Point< DATA_TYPE, PNT_SIZE > &result, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Point< DATA_TYPE, PNT_SIZE > &point) |
| transform a partially specified point by a matrix, assumes last elt of point is 1. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned COLS_MINUS_ONE> Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS_MINUS_ONE > | operator * (const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix, const Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS_MINUS_ONE > &point) |
| matrix * partially specified point. More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > | operator * (const Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &point, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix) |
| point * a matrix multiplication of [m x k] matrix by a [k x 1] matrix (also known as a Point [with w == 1 for points by definition] ). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS> Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > | operator *= (Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS > &point, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix) |
| point *= a matrix multiplication of [m x k] matrix by a [k x 1] matrix (also known as a Point [with w == 1 for points by definition] ). More...
template<typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned COLS_MINUS_ONE> Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS_MINUS_ONE > | operator *= (Point< DATA_TYPE, COLS_MINUS_ONE > &point, const Matrix< DATA_TYPE, ROWS, COLS > &matrix) |
| partial point *= a matrix multiplication of [m x k] matrix by a [k-1 x 1] matrix (also known as a Point [with w == 1 for points by definition] ). More...
Constants |
const float | GMTL_EPSILON = 1.0e-6f |
const float | GMTL_MAT_EQUAL_EPSILON = 0.001f |
const float | GMTL_VEC_EQUAL_EPSILON = 0.0001f |
Typedefs |
typedef AABox< float > | AABoxf |
typedef AABox< double > | AABoxd |
typedef AxisAngle< float > | AxisAnglef |
typedef AxisAngle< double > | AxisAngled |
typedef Coord< Vec3d, EulerAngleXYZd > | CoordVec3EulerAngleXYZd |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, EulerAngleXYZf > | CoordVec3EulerAngleXYZf |
typedef Coord< Vec4d, EulerAngleXYZd > | CoordVec4EulerAngleXYZd |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, EulerAngleXYZf > | CoordVec4EulerAngleXYZf |
typedef Coord< Vec3d, EulerAngleZYXd > | CoordVec3EulerAngleZYXd |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, EulerAngleZYXf > | CoordVec3EulerAngleZYXf |
typedef Coord< Vec4d, EulerAngleZYXd > | CoordVec4EulerAngleZYXd |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, EulerAngleZYXf > | CoordVec4EulerAngleZYXf |
typedef Coord< Vec3d, EulerAngleZXYd > | CoordVec3EulerAngleZXYd |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, EulerAngleZXYf > | CoordVec3EulerAngleZXYf |
typedef Coord< Vec4d, EulerAngleZXYd > | CoordVec4EulerAngleZXYd |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, EulerAngleZXYf > | CoordVec4EulerAngleZXYf |
typedef Coord< Vec3d, AxisAngled > | CoordVec3AxisAngled |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, AxisAnglef > | CoordVec3AxisAnglef |
typedef Coord< Vec4d, AxisAngled > | CoordVec4AxisAngled |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, AxisAnglef > | CoordVec4AxisAnglef |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, EulerAngleXYZf > | Coord3fXYZ |
| 3 elt types. More...
typedef Coord< Vec3f, EulerAngleZYXf > | Coord3fZYX |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, EulerAngleZXYf > | Coord3fZXY |
typedef Coord< Vec3d, EulerAngleXYZd > | Coord3dXYZ |
typedef Coord< Vec3d, EulerAngleZYXd > | Coord3dZYX |
typedef Coord< Vec3d, EulerAngleZXYd > | Coord3dZXY |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, EulerAngleXYZf > | Coord4fXYZ |
| 4 elt types. More...
typedef Coord< Vec4f, EulerAngleZYXf > | Coord4fZYX |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, EulerAngleZXYf > | Coord4fZXY |
typedef Coord< Vec4d, EulerAngleXYZd > | Coord4dXYZ |
typedef Coord< Vec4d, EulerAngleZYXd > | Coord4dZYX |
typedef Coord< Vec4d, EulerAngleZXYd > | Coord4dZXY |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, Quatf > | Coord3fQuat |
| 3 elt types. More...
typedef Coord< Vec3d, Quatd > | Coord3dQuat |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, Quatf > | Coord4fQuat |
| 4 elt types. More...
typedef Coord< Vec4d, Quatd > | Coord4dQuat |
typedef Coord< Vec3f, AxisAnglef > | Coord3fAxisAngle |
| 3 elt types. More...
typedef Coord< Vec3d, AxisAngled > | Coord3dAxisAngle |
typedef Coord< Vec4f, AxisAnglef > | Coord4fAxisAngle |
| 4 elt types. More...
typedef Coord< Vec4d, AxisAngled > | Coord4dAxisAngle |
typedef EulerAngle< float,
XYZ > | EulerAngleXYZf |
typedef EulerAngle< double,
XYZ > | EulerAngleXYZd |
typedef EulerAngle< float,
ZYX > | EulerAngleZYXf |
typedef EulerAngle< double,
ZYX > | EulerAngleZYXd |
typedef EulerAngle< float,
ZXY > | EulerAngleZXYf |
typedef EulerAngle< double,
ZXY > | EulerAngleZXYd |
typedef LineSeg< float > | LineSegf |
typedef LineSeg< double > | LineSegd |
typedef Matrix< float, 2, 2 > | Matrix22f |
typedef Matrix< double, 2, 2 > | Matrix22d |
typedef Matrix< float, 2, 3 > | Matrix23f |
typedef Matrix< double, 2, 3 > | Matrix23d |
typedef Matrix< float, 3, 3 > | Matrix33f |
typedef Matrix< double, 3, 3 > | Matrix33d |
typedef Matrix< float, 3, 4 > | Matrix34f |
typedef Matrix< double, 3, 4 > | Matrix34d |
typedef Matrix< float, 4, 4 > | Matrix44f |
typedef Matrix< double, 4, 4 > | Matrix44d |
typedef Plane< float > | Planef |
typedef Plane< double > | Planed |
typedef Point< int, 2 > | Point2i |
typedef Point< float, 2 > | Point2f |
typedef Point< double, 2 > | Point2d |
typedef Point< int, 3 > | Point3i |
typedef Point< float, 3 > | Point3f |
typedef Point< double, 3 > | Point3d |
typedef Point< int, 4 > | Point4i |
typedef Point< float, 4 > | Point4f |
typedef Point< double, 4 > | Point4d |
typedef Quat< float > | Quatf |
typedef Quat< double > | Quatd |
typedef Ray< float > | Rayf |
typedef Ray< double > | Rayd |
typedef Sphere< float > | Spheref |
typedef Sphere< double > | Sphered |
typedef Tri< float > | Trif |
typedef Tri< double > | Trid |
typedef Tri< int > | Trii |
typedef Vec< int, 2 > | Vec2i |
typedef Vec< float, 2 > | Vec2f |
typedef Vec< double, 2 > | Vec2d |
typedef Vec< int, 3 > | Vec3i |
typedef Vec< float, 3 > | Vec3f |
typedef Vec< double, 3 > | Vec3d |
typedef Vec< int, 4 > | Vec4i |
typedef Vec< float, 4 > | Vec4f |
typedef Vec< double, 4 > | Vec4d |
Enumerations |
enum | VectorIndex { Xelt = 0,
Yelt = 1,
Zelt = 2,
Welt = 3
} |
| use the values in this enum to index vector data types (such as Vec, Point, Quat). More...
enum | PlaneSide { ON_PLANE,
} |
| Used to describe where a point lies in relationship to a plane. More...
Functions |
const AxisAngle< float > | AXISANGLE_IDENTITYF (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) |
const AxisAngle< double > | AXISANGLE_IDENTITYD (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isInVolume (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Tests if the given point is inside or on the surface of the given spherical volume. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isInVolume (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sphere) |
| Tests if the given sphere is completely inside or on the surface of the given spherical volume. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> void | extendVolume (Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Modifies the existing sphere to tightly enclose itself and the given point. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> void | extendVolume (Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sphere) |
| Modifies the container to tightly enclose itself and the given sphere. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> void | makeVolume (Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &container, const std::vector< Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > > &pts) |
| Modifies the given sphere to tightly enclose all points in the given std::vector. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isOnVolume (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Tests if the given point is on the surface of the container with zero tolerance. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isOnVolume (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt, const DATA_TYPE &tol) |
| Tests of the given point is on the surface of the container with the given tolerance. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isInVolume (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Tests if the given point is inside or on the surface of the given AABox volume. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isInVolume (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &container, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box) |
| Tests if the given AABox is completely inside or on the surface of the given AABox container. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> void | extendVolume (AABox< DATA_TYPE > &container, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Modifies the existing AABox to tightly enclose itself and the given point. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> void | extendVolume (AABox< DATA_TYPE > &container, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box) |
| Modifies the container to tightly enclose itself and the given AABox. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> void | makeVolume (AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sph) |
| Creates an AABox that tightly encloses the given Sphere. More...
const EulerAngle< float, XYZ > | EULERANGLE_IDENTITY_XYZF (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) |
const EulerAngle< double,
XYZ > | EULERANGLE_IDENTITY_XYZD (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
const EulerAngle< float, ZYX > | EULERANGLE_IDENTITY_ZYXF (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) |
const EulerAngle< double,
ZYX > | EULERANGLE_IDENTITY_ZYXD (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
const EulerAngle< float, ZXY > | EULERANGLE_IDENTITY_ZXYF (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) |
const EulerAngle< double,
ZXY > | EULERANGLE_IDENTITY_ZXYD (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
Matrix44f & | set (Matrix44f &mat, const osg::Matrix &osg_mat) |
| Convert an opensg matrix to a gmtl::Matrix. More...
osg::Matrix & | set (osg::Matrix &osg_mat, const Matrix44f &mat) |
| Convert a GMTL matrix to a OpenSG matrix. More...
void | GaussPointsFit (int iQuantity, const Point3 *akPoint, Point3 &rkCenter, Vec3 akAxis[3], float afExtent[3]) |
bool | GaussPointsFit (int iQuantity, const Vec3 *akPoint, const bool *abValid, Vec3 &rkCenter, Vec3 akAxis[3], float afExtent[3]) |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box1, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box2) |
| Tests if the given AABoxes intersect with each other. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &point) |
| Tests if the given AABox and point intersect with each other. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box1, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &path1, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box2, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &path2, DATA_TYPE &firstContact, DATA_TYPE &secondContact) |
| Tests if the given AABoxes intersect if moved along the given paths. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sph1, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &path1, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sph2, const Vec< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &path2, DATA_TYPE &firstContact, DATA_TYPE &secondContact) |
| Tests if the given Spheres intersect if moved along the given paths. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box, const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sph) |
| Tests if the given AABox and Sphere intersect with each other. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sph, const AABox< DATA_TYPE > &box) |
| Tests if the given AABox and Sphere intersect with each other. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const Sphere< DATA_TYPE > &sphere, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &point) |
| intersect point/sphere. More...
template<typename T> bool | intersect (const Sphere< T > &sphere, const Ray< T > &ray, int &numhits, float &t0, float &t1) |
| intersect ray/sphere. More...
template<typename T> bool | intersect (const Sphere< T > &sphere, const LineSeg< T > &lineseg, int &numhits, float &t0, float &t1) |
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const Plane< DATA_TYPE > &plane, const Ray< DATA_TYPE > &ray, DATA_TYPE &t) |
| Tests if the given plane and ray intersect with each other. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri, const Ray< DATA_TYPE > &ray, float &u, float &v, float &t) |
| Tests if the given triangle and ray intersect with each other. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | intersect (const Tri< DATA_TYPE > &tri, const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &lineseg, float &u, float &v, float &t) |
| Tests if the given triangle and line segment intersect with each other. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > | findNearestPt (const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &lineseg, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Finds the closest point on the line segment to a given point. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE | distance (const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &lineseg, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Computes the shortest distance from the line segment to the given point. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> DATA_TYPE | distanceSquared (const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &lineseg, const Point< DATA_TYPE, 3 > &pt) |
| Computes the shortest distance from the line segment to the given point. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator== (const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &ls1, const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &ls2) |
| Compare two line segments to see if they are EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | operator!= (const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &ls1, const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &ls2) |
| Compare two line segments to see if they are not EXACTLY the same. More...
template<class DATA_TYPE> bool | isEqual (const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &ls1, const LineSeg< DATA_TYPE > &ls2, const DATA_TYPE &eps) |
| Compare two line segments to see if the are the same within the given tolerance. More...
const Quat< float > | QUAT_MULT_IDENTITYF (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) |
const Quat< float > | QUAT_ADD_IDENTITYF (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) |
const Quat< double > | QUAT_MULT_IDENTITYD (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) |
const Quat< double > | QUAT_ADD_IDENTITYD (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
const char * | getVersion () |
Variables |
const Matrix22f | MAT_IDENTITY22F = Matrix22f() |
| 32bit floating point 2x2 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix22d | MAT_IDENTITY22D = Matrix22d() |
| 64bit floating point 2x2 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix23f | MAT_IDENTITY23F = Matrix23f() |
| 32bit floating point 2x2 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix23d | MAT_IDENTITY23D = Matrix23d() |
| 64bit floating point 2x2 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix33f | MAT_IDENTITY33F = Matrix33f() |
| 32bit floating point 3x3 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix33d | MAT_IDENTITY33D = Matrix33d() |
| 64bit floating point 3x3 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix34f | MAT_IDENTITY34F = Matrix34f() |
| 32bit floating point 3x4 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix34d | MAT_IDENTITY34D = Matrix34d() |
| 64bit floating point 3x4 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix44f | MAT_IDENTITY44F = Matrix44f() |
| 32bit floating point 4x4 identity matrix. More...
const Matrix44d | MAT_IDENTITY44D = Matrix44d() |
| 64bit floating point 4x4 identity matrix. More...